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Acima Leasing Logo

Adding Acima to your desktop

Windows Instructions

  1. Make a URL shortcut on your desktop to the Acima page you most frequently visit (Drag the URL onto your desktop)
  2. Click and download the Acima logo icon above
  3. On your newly created shortcut right click and choose properties
  4. There should now be an option to “Change Icon…”
  5. Click and choose the most recent downloaded icon from above
  6. Congratulations, you now have Acima’s Logo on your desktop that links to your most frequently visited page

Mac Instructions

  1. Make a URL shortcut on your desktop to the Acima page you most frequently visit (Click then hold where it says “Secure” in your URL bar onto your desktop)
  2. Copy the above image (right click and copy image)
  3. On your newly created Desktop shortcut right click and chose “Get Info”
  4. There should now be a little icon towards the top left, click that and Command ⌘- v to paste the Acima image
  5. Congratulations you now have Acima’s Logo on your desktop to your most frequently visited page