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5 Solid Tactics To Reduce Cart Abandonment

Feb 15, 2024

A close-up view of a person shopping online using their laptop.

As a retailer in e-commerce, there’s nothing quite like the thrill of seeing a filled shopping cart. However, there’s also no greater feeling of dismay to discover when customers abandon their choices at checkout. So much potential profit is potentially gone. What happened, and what can you do to re-engage them and encourage them to continue shopping with you? 

E-commerce cart abandonment is a common challenge that retailers face, impacting revenue and customer retention. But there are ways to reduce it and get customers back to shopping. In this exploration of the issue, we'll dissect the impact of cart abandonment and delve into five effective strategies to transform these missed opportunities into successful shopping experiences. 

The Cost Impact of Cart Abandonment 

Within the bustling world of online retail, cart abandonment represents lost business and a significant pain point for customer retention. Cart abandonment is a pervasive issue in the online retail sphere, with studies revealing an average abandonment rate surpassing 69% (1). This alarming statistic not only represents lost sales, but it also underscores the challenge of retaining customers in an intensely competitive market. As each customer's decision is influential to a business’s success, addressing cart abandonment is critical for the sustained growth of any e-commerce business. 

Key Strategies to Reduce Cart Abandonment and Boost Sales 

Combatting the concerns of cart abandonment begins with adeep dive into the checkout process. By analyzing and enhancing the purchase funnel, your business can create a more user-friendly checkout process that not only lends itself to an uptick in completed transactions but also serves to strengthen the bonds of customer loyalty. 

Simplify the Checkout Process 

A user-friendly checkout experience minimizes customer frustration and decision fatigue, increasing the likelihood that the customer will choose to get your products. So the first step in combating cart abandonment is to streamline the checkout process. Make it as straightforward and hassle-free as possible by eliminating unnecessary steps and keeping forms concise.  

For example, consider implementing a guest checkout option, allowing users to complete their purchases without the need to create an account. Additionally, provide clear progress indicators and reassure customers about the security of their information throughout the process.  

Transparent Pricing and Policies

Unexpected costs remain a significant contributor to cart abandonment. Transparent communication instills confidence in customers, reducing the likelihood of cart abandonment due to hidden charges. 

To build trust and prevent surprises, it’s essential to provide upfront information about fees, shipping costs and return policies. Consider displaying shipping costs early in the shopping process, ideally on the product page, to set proper expectations. Offering free shipping thresholds or limited-time promotions can also incentivize customers to proceed to checkout. 

Cart Recovery Techniques 

An abandoned cart doesn’t have to mean the end of the road for that shopping relationship. When done right, engaging customers who have abandoned their carts can be a crucial and effective tactic for reclaiming their potential business.  

Reaching out to these customers with reminders, nudges and offers (without going overboard) can bridge the gap between abandonment and shopping success, encouraging customers to finalize their choices. Consider employing dynamic retargeting ads that showcase the specific products left in the cart, creating a personalized and enticing visual reminder. Craft compelling email sequences that not only remind customers of their abandoned items but also highlight additional promotions or exclusive discounts.  

Trust Signals and Security 

Building trust in the online shopping experience is paramount, so display trust badges and ensure SSL certification to reassure customers about the security of their personal and payment information. A secure checkout process is more likely to lead to completed transactions and repeat business. 

Next, reiterate to your customer that you are committed to a great customer experience with the help of your other satisfied customers. Go beyond the basics by prominently featuring customer testimonials and showcasing positive experiences with your brand. Additionally, highlight any industry certifications or awards your business has received, further solidifying your reputation as a trustworthy e-commerce retailer.  

Flexible Payment Options 

Diversifying your payment options is a way to respond to the preferences of your customers in today’s retail landscape. With fixed shopping budgets, customers are looking for ways they can shop and still meet their personal goals. Therefore, the existence of various payment options at checkout can be the deciding factor in the final stages of their shopping experience. Without payment options at checkout, cart abandonment becomes a more likely choice if the customer is facing various payment shopping barriers. What customers need is shopping power and considering flexible payment options is one of the ways you can look into expanding the payment selections for your customers.  Providing flexibility enhances customer satisfaction and increases the chances of repeat business.   

Turning Browsers into Buyers: How Lease-to-Own Can Help Fuel Conversions 

Offering an alternative payment method that doesn't require paying the complete total at once or using credit can be a game-changer. Many of U.S. consumers can be categorized as non-prime customers who might be seeking ways of shopping without using credit* (2). Enter one of today’s most effective tools you could possess in combating cart abandonment: a lease-to-own solution. By providing a lease-to-own solution such as Acima Leasing, you reduce unnecessary hurdles between your business and potential customers. Customers have the ability to take advantage of flexible payment options while enjoying the product they get from your business.  

This is particularly beneficial for retailers selling large items such as mattresses, electronics, furniture and appliances — items many non-prime customers find difficult to shop for. Lease-to-own options give them the shopping power they need — and gives you a leg up on competitors that don’t offer these types of alternatives to financing.  

If you’re looking to improve sales on your e-commerce site, learn more now about how becoming an Acima Leasing retailer today could open up new avenues for customer satisfaction and transactions. By doing so, you could expand your clientele to include those who may want to shop without using credit*.  

Add Acima Leasing to Your Success Story

Cart abandonment is a persistent challenge in the world of online retail, but with the right strategies, businesses have the chance to transform lost connections with shoppers into successful business. By simplifying the checkout process, being transparent with pricing and policies, implementing cart recovery techniques, building trust through security measures, and offering an array of flexible payment options, retailers have the chance to work on reducing cart abandonment rates. As e-commerce advances, businesses that prioritize customer-centric solutions and adaptability will secure lasting success in the competitive e-commerce landscape. 

1. "The Keys to Abandoned Cart Recovery and Reducing Lost Sales." BigCommerce, 2. “The Consumer Credit Card Market.” Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, September 2021