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Mattress Shopping: A Peek into Today’s Mattress Shopper

Jan 04, 2024

Shoppers expressing happiness over the comfort of a new mattress in their home.

If you’re a mattress retailer, this is not the time to get comfortable with the status quo. Customers no longer need to settle for traditional mattress shopping, where the only choice they had was to be subject to high-pressure sales tactics over huge, weighty mattresses found only in a showroom. Today, customers enjoy a full range of options — from lightweight, budget-friendly mattresses they can shop for with the click of a button and just unroll out of a box to those stuffed full of tech features that can be personalized to their sleep preferences.   

While some may feel like trends, the fact that the dynamics of consumer shopping behavior when it comes to the niche mattress market has definitely shifted cannot be ignored. And as a mattress retailer, understanding and leaning into those dynamics is crucial for the life of your business. In this article, we'll delve into the key factors influencing today's shopping decisions and how you can make the most of them.  

The Evolution of Mattress Shopping 

The mattress shopping landscape has been reshaped by online shopping, affording consumers a wide selection of mattress styles and the convenience to explore and compare choices from the comfort of their homes. The internet, a treasure trove of market research insights, has become the go-to platform for those seeking informed decisions. Notably, 54% of mattress shoppers prioritize online shopping over traditional in-store visits (1), highlighting the convenience and accessibility of online mattress shopping. In addition to convenience, consumers now lean toward brands that provide transparency, quality and fair pricing. 

The vast array of information available online allows consumers to make well-informed decisions about the mattresses they choose. Reviews, expert opinions and detailed product descriptions empower shoppers to understand the intricacies of each mattress, fostering a sense of confidence in their shopping decisions. 

Primary Mattress Shoppers 

Understanding the demographics of the current mattress consumer is essential for staying abreast of trends and ensuring lasting success. Here are some key statistics (2):  

  • 54% of mattress shoppers are under the age of 49 

  • 48% of mattress shoppers are women 

  • 34% of mattress shoppers are couples 

  • 58% are homeowners  

These statistics unveil a diverse market with a mix of age groups, gender preferences and household compositions. Retailers who tailor their offerings and marketing strategies to cater to this diversity are better positioned to capture a broader consumer base. 

Consumer Shopping Behavior in the Mattress Industry 

Today’s mattress shoppers consider multiple factors before making their shopping decisions. From comfort and durability to pricing and payments, shoppers carefully evaluate their options. An interesting insight is that 46% of mattress shoppers take more than 30 days to complete their mattress-shopping journey (3). After all, it’s more than merely shopping — it’s about committing. So this prolonged decision-making process suggests that consumers are meticulous in their research, emphasizing the importance of providing comprehensive information and support throughout the customer journey.  

Flexible payment options can significantly impact conversion rates, addressing the concerns of customers who may hesitate to shop due to the high cost of mattresses. The ability to offer lease-to-own options can make high-quality mattresses more accessible to a broader audience. Recognizing these factors and employing the right marketing tactics can help brands stand out in a competitive market and boost overall sales.  

The Future of Mattress Shopping with Acima Leasing 

As businesses in the mattress retail sector adapt to rapidly changing retail industry trends, innovative pricing strategies like lease-to-own solutions are gaining prominence. Lease-to-own goes beyond being a mere payment option; it’s a powerful tool that retailers can use to expand their reach, drive sales and create a customer-centric shopping experience.  Here’s how Acima Leasing can provide these aforementioned lease-to-own solutions for your customers and your business swiftly and easily:   

  • Acima Leasing offers a solution that caters to diverse financial needs, providing opportunities for those with less than perfect credit history to enjoy the benefits of leasing. For unbanked and under-banked customers, this can be an empowering tool that might not be available elsewhere. 

  • Lease-to-own solutions provide consumers with a flexible path to mattress ownership. This is particularly appealing to those who may be budget-conscious or have fluctuating income.  

  • Embracing lease-to-own is a transformative step that many retailers are taking to elevate their businesses. By incorporating Acima Leasing, businesses position themselves as understanding and catering to the financial diversity of their consumers. It’s more than just a transaction; it's a connection that benefits both the retailer and the customer.  

Learn more about how to partner with Acima Leasing, then join the growing number of retailers who are transforming their businesses by embracing lease-to-own as a solution and take your store to new heights.  

The Impact of Lease-to-Own on Consumer Behavior 

Lease-to-own solutions, such as Acima Leasing, not only provide financial flexibility but also influence consumer behavior in several ways — most importantly by offering accessibility, inclusivity, and relief from immediate financial strain. In a world where convenience and flexibility are paramount, such solutions resonate with consumers who prioritize experiences that align with their lifestyle.  

Empowering the Financially Diverse 

One of the standout features of lease-to-own solutions is their ability to empower the financially diverse. In traditional financing models, individuals with less than perfect credit history often face barriers to obtaining credit approval. However, lease-to-own solutions, like Acima Leasing, open doors for these consumers. An easy application and the choice of flexible payment options is all it takes for them to be able to access this shopping power. 

A Transformative Tool for Retailers 

For retailers, incorporating lease-to-own solutions represents a business-altering step that can elevate the shopping experience and boost sales. Consumers are more likely to engage with businesses that understand and address their financial needs. By offering a flexible path to mattress ownership, retailers position themselves as customer-centric and forward-thinking — and this understanding can be a key differentiator that sets a retailer apart from the competition. 

Help Customers Get More Comfortable With Mattress Shopping 

From the convenience of online shopping to the factors influencing final decisions, retailers must stay attuned to the shopping behaviors of consumers now and in the future. As the mattress industry continues to adapt, embracing these trends ensures that retailers not only meet but exceed the expectations of the modern mattress shopper. So, take the leap, explore new possibilities, and watch your business flourish in the dynamic world of mattress retail.